Be seen, held, supported and loved. Not only by others, but by YOU.

Work with Me

Travel (Tours & Retreats)

Travel allows us to go beyond our imagined borders and limits, as well as experience other cultures and landscapes. It allows us to experience a greater perspective on our lives and on all of existence. I am the founder of and lead tour guide for Vitalize Tours & Travel, LLC. We provide inspiring, joyful and life-changing travel experiences for women. 


Dance Offerings

Dance, Yoga & Conscious Breathing helps us to break down barriers and blocks we have created that keep us disconnected and in a place of fear. I am the creator of Restorative Dance Flow ~ loving, nourishing movement medicine practice which combines yoga, mindfulness, and dance. All levels.


Be Adorned

Adornment is a sacred, self-love practice and I love to celebrate beauty, grace and elegance through adornment. Please enjoy our selection of adornment items in the store, from women’s garments to Rajasthani jewelry to intoxicating spices and oils!


“My world changed when I met Lisa Beck. She inspired & encouraged me to break the chains that held me too tight and she brought me to a place where I can finally feel free. My soul thanks her.”

— Joann Rothman, Santa Barbara CA

Questions? Get in touch.