About Me
My Story
I was a shy, small-town midwestern girl who felt awkward and insecure for most of my childhood. I didn’t believe that my gifts and my dreams were valid, valuable or worthy of celebrating or sharing. I did all I could do to fit in and blend in.
However, an inner fire and passion for something greater was always lit inside of me. My heart spoke to me despite what I saw outside or believed inside.
This inner fire gave me the courage to explore music, dance, teaching, performing, traveling and doing things that were very much beyond my comfort zone. I took baby steps, and the more I lived my life in accordance with my heart’s desires and stirrings, the more I could not continue to live small and hide. The more I stretched beyond my comfort zone, the more support I felt and guidance I received along the way.
Above all of the support and guidance outside of me, it has been this INNER FIRE that has brought me to a place of greater confidence and trust, a place I had disconnected from as a child. It has brought me such joy and fulfillment and peace.
I help women connect with and listen to that inner fire which is fueled and guided by the heart.
Dance & Embodiment
An ardent dancer of many forms for decades, I travel regularly to India to imbibe the richness of the Motherland. I am a devoted Odissi Classical Indian dance student of Shakti School of Dance with Colleena Shakti and the creator of Restorative Dance Flow, a nurturing movement practice which combines elements of yoga, meditation and dance.
It is a great joy for me to create space and opportunities for women to connect more to their femininity, strength and sensuality through dance.
Movement, conscious breath practices, chanting, communing and sharing our stories helps us to break down the barriers and blocks we have created that keep us disconnected and in a place of fear. I offer classes & workshops both on-line and in person.
World Travel
I moved to California from Minnesota in 1999 and was inspired by a very vibrant community of artists and friends. Over the next 15 years, I traveled to West Africa, France, Spain and Mexico… but it wasn’t until 2016 when I lived and studied dance in India where my passion for world travel was ignited.
I believe travel allows us to gain a greater perspective on life and connects us not only to other lands and cultures, but to ourselves.
It allows us to “meet ourselves” in different places and through different faces. Dormant aspects of our personalities come to life when we step outside of our normal lives and our playful natures get re-activated!
I have been offering tours of North India with my dear friend Kathy Hayden since 2017, and opened Vitalize Tours & Travel, LLC just last year. Upcoming tours in 2023 include: Greece, Turkey & India!
Beauty, Art & Adornment
One of the most surprising gifts in my life over the past 20 or so years has been my growing love of adornment, fabrics, textiles, architecture and art in general.
As a dancer and performer and someone who lives part-time in India, I feel it is a duty and spiritual practice to BE ADORNED. And, it can be for EVERY WOMAN if she so chooses it. At any time.
Adornment can be a wonderful way to celebrate life, raise our vibration, and add to the beauty of the world!
Celebrate the uniquely beautiful creature that you are. Be adorned.