Fresh Start
“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” —Lao Tzu
Take a moment to breathe in deeply… and breathe out.
One of the ways in which I am able to move through difficult, heavy, or even stagnant moments in life is to realize that each moment, each breath, each day is an opportunity for a fresh start.
The present moment… THIS moment… offers you the opportunity to begin again, choose again, and start fresh.
What does this mean?
~ What you are experiencing in any moment is a result of the past and past actions and choices. From this point forward you can begin anew and have a new experience!
~ Everything is energy. If you cultivate an attitude of gratitude and open your heart to all possibilities in the present moment, you can literally create a “new” now. You bring YOU with you everywhere you go. What are you bringing into this moment?
~ If you feel unsatisfied with what is, right now is the time to move in a new direction and in a new way. What would you like to see and experience?
~ Our perspective and the lens with which we view life determines our experience. Can you reframe your current situations and experiences? Can you see a bigger picture? How does this new perspective make you feel about what is?
So much is dissolving in our personal lives and in the world at large. Can we open to the possibility that we are going through a great detoxification, cleansing, and rebirth? Or shall we choose to be in doom and gloom and identify with the victim story? Shall we continue to throw stones and blame, or shall we become inspired to co-create a better way and a better path forward?
These are questions that I have been entertaining and ruminating on over the past few months. I choose to believe that everything is happening for the highest good. I also know that sometimes things get worse before they get better. And there are always good and magical things happening if we choose to seek them out!
May we all take deep breaths, pause more, and choose a fresh start in every moment.